I'm having trouble getting Zope and Proxy Pass to work the way I expect....

Specifically if you look at this site:


it's really supposed to proxypass to webdev.bmb.colostate.edu, but the 
ProxyPassReverse directive doesn't seem to clean/modify/correct the base tag in the 
header as I understand it should....

Here's the proxypass section of my httpd.conf for apache:

    ProxyRequests       on
    NoCache             *
    ProxyPass / http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/
    ProxyPass /misc_ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/misc_
    ProxyPass /p_ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/p_ 

And in the past I've tried it as:

    ProxyRequests       on
    NoCache             *
    ProxyPass /Zope/ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/
    ProxyPassReverse /Zope/ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/
    ProxyPass /misc_ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/misc_
    ProxyPass /p_ http://webdev.bmb.colostate.edu/p_ 


Joshua Brauer
Computer Support Scientist
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-1080/pager:  (970) 498-7995, #5837

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