Hi Peter,

I had the same problem.
The fmt tag outputs GMT time but the methods of DateTime, i.e. day(), month(),
year(), etc. do not. So I used them.

Peter Arvidsson wrote:
> Forgot to say that... I run 2.2 final :/
> Chris Withers skrev:
> > Peter Arvidsson wrote:
> > > It cant really be a timezone issue because it is decreasing the date by
> > > 24 hours and I only live 1 hour from GMT. The date on my computer and
> > > the server are correct. Does someone knows why this happens when I use
> > > "fmt" or is this a DateTime bug?
> >
> > It could be one of a number of bugs. :(
> >
> > What version of Zope are you using?
> >
> > Try 2.2 and see fi it still happens...
> >
> > cheers,
> >
> > Chris
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