On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Chris McDonough wrote:
> It sounds like your load may not be very small.
> Your -t25 setting to threads does not help too much, because the number
> of database connections is hard-limited to 7 in the ZODB source.
> It might help to visit the debug section of the control_panel to get an
> understanding of how many threads are actually being used at any given
> moment.  If you find that all 7 threads are being continually used
> simultaneously, and your box can handle more threads (e.g. it's not CPU-
> or RAM-bound already), we can probably figure out how to bump you up to
> more database connection threads per client by changing the source.
> This should really be a knob somewhere.
i went to each Zeo client control_panel, and see that there's a mzximum of 
four connections open at any given time.  this is the number of onnections 
right after update snapshot/refresh /auto refresh statement in control_panel.

to confirm, i went to all other zope 2.2.0 instance that i got, - yes, only 
four  spaces available.  i remember seing the number 4 is mentioned in z2.py
----from z2.py----
# The size of the thread pool, if ZODB3 is used.

CPU and RAM is plenty in one of the boxes (4 G RAM, 2 CPUs) and quite limited 
in another (700k RAM and 2CPUs).

why wouldn't increasing the number of threads with -t25 affect the way zope 
behave?  do i need to change it in z2.py?  what are the things that i should 
know before i do that?  will this have effect on connections that access data 
from rdb?  sorry if i sound like a fool here, (maybe i am :)), but i don't 
get zope that deep yet.

> There is also a profiling facility inside Control_Panel/debug that does
> some sort of automated performance compilation for you, though I've
> never had a reason to use it.  When it's running, it also purportedly
> slows Zope down quite a bit.

profiling is not enabled since i dont really know the heck it does.

> Or, of course, you could always throw in another ZEO client if you're
> getting hit too hard to handle the load.

this will be the last resort because it cost us dollars

> I suggest that you:
> 1) Monitor your Zope clients' thread usages by using their debug
> facilities.
done.  as mentioned above, the number of connections is four at most.  what 
else should i look for in the debugInfo?

> 2) Monitor your Zope clients' general CPU and memory usages via vmstat
> or top or what-have you.

  9:45am  up 21 days, 20:29,  4 users,  load average: 1.73, 1.63, 1.59
318 processes: 314 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU  states: 109.0% user, 17.0% system,  0.0% nice, 76.9% idle
CPU0 states: 51.5% user,  8.2% system,  0.0% nice, 39.2% idle
CPU1 states: 57.1% user,  8.3% system,  0.0% nice, 33.5% idle
Mem:  776788K av, 770932K used,   5856K free, 580284K shrd, 144312K buff
Swap: 134616K av,   1540K used, 133076K free                378260K cached
 8907 nobody    18   0 70080  68M  1816  3 R    10.9  9.0  50:30 python
 8921 nobody     5   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S    10.7  9.0  38:24 python
 8924 nobody    17   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S    10.1  9.0  31:33 python
 8914 nobody     6   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     7.6  9.0  45:43 python
 8920 nobody    11   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     7.2  9.0  44:23 python
15165 root      17   0   948  948   648  2 R     6.8  0.1   0:03 top
 8919 nobody    11   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     5.3  9.0  40:27 python
 8930 nobody     4   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     4.2  9.0  30:31 python
 8922 nobody     6   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     4.0  9.0  36:01 python
 8928 nobody    12   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     4.0  9.0  36:49 python
 8923 nobody     5   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     3.8  9.0  36:27 python
 8925 nobody    10   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     3.8  9.0  42:51 python
 8927 nobody     3   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     3.8  9.0  35:40 python
 8915 nobody     3   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     3.7  9.0  36:08 python
 8917 nobody    10   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     3.7  9.0  39:04 python
 8918 nobody     5   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     3.7  9.0  32:25 python
 8931 nobody     5   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     3.7  9.0  32:34 python
 8926 nobody    10   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     3.5  9.0  31:47 python
 8932 nobody    10   0 70080  68M  1816  3 S     3.5  9.0  34:38 python
 8933 nobody    10   0 70080  68M  1816  2 S     3.5  9.0  37:53 python
 8916 nobody     7   0 70080  68M  1816  2 R     3.1  9.0  41:20 python
13664 postgres   2   0  3696 3696  3204  3 S     1.4  0.4   1:54 postmaster
 8561 postgres   2   0  3716 3716  3208  2 S     1.2  0.4   8:06 postmaster
 8560 postgres   2   0  3724 3724  3220  2 S     1.1  0.4   8:18 postmaster
 8563 postgres   2   0  3740 3740  3212  3 S     0.9  0.4   8:01 postmaster
13825 postgres   2   0  3644 3644  3164  3 S     0.9  0.4   1:00 postmaster   
---end top-----

most of the z2 threads are used, although only 3-4 are used heavily.  what 
does this show?
> Then report back your findings and we'll see if we can spot a
> bottleneck.


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