Hello again

Thereīs something very strange with the Apache + ZServer solution presented
in the zope.org howtos.

The problem is: I have a Zope 2.1.6 with SiteAccess and Apache 1.3.12 with
the mod_proxy and mod_expire set up to that all request get at por 80 by
Apache are proxed back to port 8080 of Zope. SiteAccess garantees that this
cycle works all the time and port 8080 is never accessed directly.

This works fine. The problem is that the Apache proxy is not caching the
pages as it should, so that requests made to Zope once are not made again
until expired from the cache. This results that every single request made to
Apache goes directly to Zope and than the lack of robustness of ZServer
makes it very slow and unstable (as expected).

The strange thing is that the directory used for the cache is been filled up
with files but it looks like Apache is ignoring them and going directly to
Zope. When I shut down Zope, it never goes to the cached files and when I
make requests to Apache the Zopeīs log grows up all the time for the same
bunch of pages.

Hereīs the configuration in my httpd.conf

 CacheRoot "D:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/proxy"
 CacheSize 50000
 CacheGcInterval 1
 CacheMaxExpire 24
 CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
 CacheDefaultExpire 1
 CacheForceCompletion 90

 ProxyPass /zope/
 ProxyPassReverse /zope/

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault A86400
ExpiresByType image/gif A604800
ExpiresByType image/jpg A604800
ExpiresByType text/html M43200

Anyone knows why this happens? Whatīs the workaround? I searched through all
the web and find nothing about the mod_proxy configuration so itīs turning
to be extremelly difficult to maintain the Zope site, even with the robust
Apache as the front-end.


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