>    There is an standards based (WFMC -- workflow management coalition,
>    www.wfmc.org) Zope product that really has seen no progress since early
>    this year - see openflow.sourceforge.net

Correct. OpenFlow was a bit stopped, for two reasons:

1) we here at Icube had undergone acquisition, so it was a bit complicated to
follow on the project itself;

2) we have started from WfMC, which was good for defining the interfaces but
was a bit bad for designing a real system. Hopefully we can start to work
again after the end of this month.

More news hopefully to come.


Paolo Bizzarri - Responsabile Marketing  Icube Srl
Sede:   Via Ridolfi 15 - 56124 Pisa (PI), Italia
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             WWW: www.icube.it
Tel:    (+39) 050 97 02 07              Fax: (+39) 050 31 36 588

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