I try to call the function manage_addGenericUserFolder
in a DTML Method but I keep getting a NameError for
it. It's as if Zope can't find the definition.

I'm stumped as to why it won't work in DTML.
- The product is installed and not broken.
- I can add GUF's under the management screen with
'Add' and everything works fine.
- I've tried to make the call with all of the possible
parameters but nothing helps.
- manage_addUserFolder works fine.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I just upgraded to Zope 2.2.1 and I haven't tried an
older release.  Do you think this might have to do
with the changes to the security model in 2.2.1? 
Should I use manage_clone instead?

Thanks for any help, 

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