
   Very interesting! Could you please publish the story somewhere on

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Paul Everitt wrote:
> As far as I'm concerned, Zope was born Saturday, June 8, 1996.  This was
> Jim Fulton's plane trip back from IPC4:
>   http://www.python.org/workshops/1996-06/
> Beyond that, Zope (as a unification of previous software) was announced
> in November 1998 and released in December 1998.
> DC had some prior art in the field before IPC4, such as my W3C tech note
> on the "ILU Requester", technology for making web servers talk CORBA to
> services.  Also, Brian Lloyd had, with someone else here at the time,
> cooked up an early ORB to handle message dispatch from the web into
> Python.  However, our work was tiny compared to Jim's plane trip back.
> I pick the 1996 date because, well, from a marketing perspective it
> makes Zope look more mature. :^)  But that's the best date.  Here's "the
> rest of the story".
> Jim joined Digital Creations about a week before IPC4.  He had already
> scheduled to go to IPC4, and I had scheduled to go and teach a CGI
> class.  Instead, I decided to go on vacation and make him teach the
> class.  Slight problem: he had never heard of CGI.
> So on the plane ride there he read the CGI spec, some background
> material, and rewrote my presentation.  In the process he decided CGI
> was broken and needed a bunch of things, primarily object orientation.
> The "python object publisher" (an ORB) was conceived during the
> conference and was largely written on the plane ride back.  The ORB
> quickly took over our consulting business.  Within a year we added a
> template system, then a persistent object system, then...
> That's the story.  So there, we have a birthdate!
> --Paul

     Oleg Broytmann            http://phd.pp.ru/            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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