----- Original Message -----
From: "Dieter Maurer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tim Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling

> Tim Hicks writes:
>  > I have a standard_html_header that is inserted into Zclasses.
>  > Zclasses have properties including meta_author ...
>  > In standard_html_header, I use code such as <dtml-var
meta_author> ...
>  > This works fine and the properties of
>  > the *zclass* are inserted.  However, if I put <dtml-var id> into
>  > standard_html_header, I get the id of standard_html_header, *not*
>  > the zclass.
> When I do this, I get the id of the Z class instance.
> It should be impossible to get the id of the *standard_html_header*,
> if this header is a DTML *method* (rather than document) as you
> told us in a different message.
> Because we see different things, we need to describe carefully,
> what we do. Apparently, we do not do the same.
> I have a folder-like ZClass, say ZC, and an instance of this class,
say ZI.
> ZC has a method, say M, using "standard_html_header".
> "standard_html_header" is a DMTL method (!) rendering "id".
> When I open "ZI/M", "standard_html_header" renders "ZI", i.e.
> ZI's id.
> The same happens, if "standard_html_header" is not in ZI but
> a ZC method.
> Now, it is your turn to describe precisely, what you are doing.

OK, I think that I am perhaps misusing zclasses then.  Here is what I

I have a Folder that was created by using the 'Add new item' menu
within Zope.  This folder is called 'Site'.

I have a Zclass called 'theatre_class' that has "Base classes ZObject,
_ZClass_for_CatalogAware, _ZClass_for_DTMLDocument".  I have set the
zclass to have the following properties by creating a
'theatre_class_property' property sheet for it:
... amongst others.

Within the Folder 'Site', I have standard_html_header dtml-method that
is an edited version of the default one that is found in the root
folder of a Zope instance (if that is the right term).  This
standard_html_header uses things code such as this:
<title><dtml-var head_title></title>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="<dtml-var meta_description>">
<META NAME="author" CONTENT="<dtml-var meta_author>">

When I use the standard_html_header in an instance of a zclass, the
appropriate property of the zclass is indeed inserted into it.  See

Zclass instance has code such as:

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<h1>This is an instance of my Theatre Zclass</h1>

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

However, if I try to put <dtml-var id> into the standard_html_header,
I get nothing, and if I use <dtml-var document_id>, I get
'standard_html_header' inserted into the document.

I hope I have made it clear what I am doing.  It is certainly becoming
clear to me that I have got the wrong end of the stick a little with

Thanks for your help.


> Dieter

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