Well we use the UserDbFolder Product after havin the same/similar problems 
with the LoginManager :-)

- Holger

Am Fri, 13 Oct 2000 schrieben Sie:
> Has anyone been able to use LoginManager with a SQL db?  with or without
> encryption?
> I'm still baffled by this how-to:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/jok/SQL_based_LoginManager
> In this example, there are dtml-methods that do the work of the UserSource,
> but there is no retrieveItem?
> I would really love to get this working instead of having to revert back to
> older depreciated products.
> Thanks for any help!
> -e-
> From: "Aleksander Salwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I remember I had some troubles trying to put methods rolesForUser,
> > domainsForUser, authenticateUser in UserSource class. They can be moved
> > to user class. I did so.
> > But your case is harder then mine, cause you don't have objects
> > representing users in ZODB. Maybe there are problems with retrieveItem
> > method ?
> > Maybe you should build wrapper class around your database
> > data - something like "pluggable brains" ?
> > I have no more ideas :(
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