
I have Zope set up running with Apache/SSL using mod_proxy and the
SiteRoot product. Everything works fine.

The thing is, if I understand stuff correctly, all the requests to
https://hostname.com get handed off to Zope. I would like to be able use
the same hostname for plain old Apache-isms (cgi php etc) because the
users of the site shouldn't have to rememeber YA-hostname.

I would like to be able to do the following :

https://hostname/foo-->https://zope.hostname/foo -->http://hostname:8080/foo

a) hostname:443
ProxyPass  /foo  https://zope.hostname/foo

b) zope.hostname:443
ProxyPass /   http:hostname:8080/

(where the SiteRoot in the Zope tree points to https://zope.hostname)

When I try to do this, regardless of whether I use mod_proxy or
mod_rewrite, Apache returns a 403 error :

"You don't have permission to access /documents on this server."

Should the Zope SiteRoot point to https://hostname instead of

I know that I could set up multiple ProxyPass statements (and
corresponding SiteRoot objects) in the Apache conf file, but I would
really prefer to set up a standalone Zope https setup (mostly for
administrative purposes) and then proxy those aspects of Zope that are
pubic automagically to the default Apache setup.

I am dreaming? The rewrite/proxy stuff is still like voodoo for me most
days so any advice or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks,

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