--- "Morten W. Petersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Jason Byron]
> | Does anyone have any LoginManager 0.8.8b1 example 
> | code?  It almost looks like you can extend the
> system
> | using plugins, but I don't know how that's done.
> | Anyone else have luck doing this?  If so then do
> you
> | have any examples/suggestions?
> Yes.  After adding your LoginManager instance, you
> should add four
> methods of some sort within the UserSource object.
> The four methods are:
>       userAuthenticate
>       userExists
>       userRoles
>       userDomains
> Here's the External methods I used just to make the
> logins work; you'll
> have to implement them to fit your system:
> def userAuthenticate(self, REQUEST, username,
> password):
>     if username == 'morten' and password ==
> 'morten':
>         return 1
>     else:
>         return 0
> def userExists(self, REQUEST, username):
>     return 1
> def userRoles(self, REQUEST, username):
>     return 'Manager', 'Owner'
> def userDomains(self, REQUEST, username):
>     return []

Hmmm, I tried implementing these functions before,
but only as DTML methods:

<dtml-return "_.int('1')">
<dtml-return "['']">
<dtml-return "_.int('1')">
<dtml-return "['Manager']">

Yet this never seemed to work.  Does it not
work because they are DTMLMethods and not External
Methods, or because I am returning the wrong
values, or because of a proxy or security setting?

The Methods are in the User Sources 'folder' and
I am sure I chose "GUF" authentication from the
list when I added the LoginManager.


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