Hi Diego,

   DTML is set up with (some) care taken so that it can't run off with
the CPU and (possibly) take forever. Depending on the circumstances
you can probably get the effect of a 'while' using 'if'
statements. You'll probably need to convert your iteration logic so
that it looks like it's looping over a list of objects... one easy
trick might be:

<dtml-let maxIterations="20">
<dtml-in "range(maxIterations)">

 <dtml-if "x != y">
   Do something conditional.... 



Assuming you can specify an upper limit on the number of
iterations required.


>>>>> "Diego" == Diego Rodrigo Neufert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Diego> Why there isnt a dtml-while function in Zope?  How to
    Diego> implement it with dtml?  how to do a simple while x != y in
    Diego> dtml?

    Diego> Thanks in advance...

    Diego> -- --------------------------- Diego Rodrigo Neufert
    Diego> -webmaster --------------------------- (Magic Web Design)
    Diego> (email) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (curitiba) (pr)

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