jacintha menezes writes:
 >    Kindly give dtml tags or python module for doing import & export in
 > zope.Since i am not able to send the query output as an attachment with zope
 > mail facility i am thinking of
 > using import & export.
You *ARE* able to send any output as an attachment with zope's
sendmail. Did you look at the examples for "<dtml-sendmail>/<dtml-mime>"
(I think, there are some in the upcoming Zope book).
You will probably see there a "<dtml-var file>" example.
But you can use any dtml code to define the body of the attachment.
You may need to take care about leading whitespace (to be avoided)
and about the empty line separating attachment header from
attachment body (to be provided).

For your import and export question:
  I am too lazy to look these functions up for you in the API
  documentation (it comes online with your Zope 2.2 installation).
  These are methods of the "ObjectManager", probably named
  "manage_import/manage_export" or something like this.

As a general hint:
  Whatever can be done via the management interface can be done
  programmatically *AND* you can learn how by looking at the
  source of the respective form. These sources are
  files with the extension ".dtml" that reside in subfolders
  of "lib/python".

I am surprised that "import/export" should be able to emulate
mailing. But this is of minor importance.


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