----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Zope] why DTML confusing

> Charlie Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ...or "the python world with some Zope limitations placed on it."
> ...
> > There's a third world of course, HTML.  Most of us probably have that
> True, true. Actually this sounds like a good structure for a overview
> doc:
> "Welcome to Zope.. in which we shall encounter
> 1. the plain of Text
> 2. the fields of HTML
> 3. the DTML domain
> 4. the ZClass lands
> 5. the Scripting realms; in which dwell Expressions, Methods and
> Python/Perl/XSLT"
> 6. the unbound Scripting realms; here be External Methods
> 7. the halls of the Serpent; where dwell it's Products
> Descend now into.. DC's Seven Circles Of Hell."
> (affectionately misnamed :-)

Hm, nice overview. What would be missing is a general Web/HTTP section.
That's another part we always take for granted, but it is not. At least,
that's my experience from two recent introductions of Zope. So, to continue
in your vein: before we land in Zope land we should go through

1. The World of the Web and why it needs a Server of Applications
2. Where we draw up Requests and Encode them
3. Learn about the Protocols that are Spoken
4. Understand the mysteries of Common Gateways
5. Pass the Secret Ways of Authorisation and Authentication


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