You may remember I have posted a couple of times about problems I have had
with manage_delObjects to delete a news article object from a news page
which contains several child news article objects.

I thought I would try and avoid the problem and make a Python method to
remove the item. This method takes the list of articles (i.e. objectValues)
and does the deletion on the parameter passed in.

The problem I have is, objectValues doesn't seem to exist at Python level,
only at DTML level. So instead of:

<dtml-call "my_delete_function(objectValues)">

which is not valid, I have to use:

<dtml-let my_list=objectValues>
  <dtml-call "my_delete_function(my_list)">

The problem with this is that even though the parameter is passed by
reference, the changes are only being done to my_list and not passed back to
objectValues. So I lose them once my_list is out of scope.

Can anyone suggest an alternative or a workaround? I thought about returning
the modified list from the function, but DTML provides no functionality to
set objectValues equal to this result.

Any help would be appreciated!



Alex Bowyer
IT Contractor, Logica Australasia
Tel    : +61 2 9202 8130
Fax    : +61 2 9922 7466
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