subrahmanyan kalathur writes:
 > Now I would like to know is it possible to know if any body is using the zope object.
 > I mean , if one user is running one DTML method ,  I want to know that one user
 > is using that object.
 > Is there any DTML tag for that.
The standard Zope objects do not support something like that.

You may implement that for your own objects.
But it is quite difficult. You would need something like
my "SharedResource" product

As you want to serialize access to your database, you might
be interested in locking. Search the (searchable) list archive
for "lock" and "locking" to find more information about it.
For locking, too, my "SharedResource" can help you.

*HOWEVER*, I follow other posters: it is probably much easier
to switch to a different RDBMS.


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