Sorry, but my understanding (which certainly may be wrong, since I don't
fully grasp the ins and outs of this yet) is that the namespace starts
with the client object to which the method is bound.  The attributes (like
title) of the method never get into the namespace.  This is part of the
design of DTML Methods; they can be bound to a variety of objects while
still giving full access to the client's namespace.  This is why the trick
of calling a DTML Document's title from an embedded DTML header Method
works.  The effect you want to achieve depends on this distinction between
DTML Methods and Documents.

Another way to say this is that the distinction between DTML Documents and
Methods allows a separation of content and logic.  Put your content
(including Titles that will be significant to your visitors) in Documents
and your logic in Methods.


On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Dany Rioux wrote:

> Chris, I can't change all the other DTML Methods to DTML Docs... I
> would have to have only 1 DTML Method which is unthinkable.
> Now, I'm sure there's a way to force what I want to do. Either with a
> REQUEST.set('[calling_document.Title]') or something real :)
> Is there such a function? (I'm sorry, I'm still confused on how to
> call things in Zope.)
> As for the Ferengi rules of acquisition, at least, I'm pretty sure I'd
> get some profits :) haha But, unfortunately, my ears are not as
> erogenous as the Ferengies.  :)
> Dany
> > Make sure that the standard_html_header is a DTML Method
> > and not a DTML
> > Document.  Make sure that the calling document is DTML
> > Document and not a
> > DTML Method and it should work.  That way the header
> > acquires the title of
> > the calling document.  If the calling document is a DTML Method, it
> > acquires it's title from somewhere else according to the
> > Zope rules of
> > acquisition (as opposed to the Ferengi rules of acquisition ;).
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Dany Rioux wrote:
> >
> > > Hi, yeah, I know, it's me again :)
> > >
> > > I've got this snippet in the standard_html_header hoping it would
> > > display the title of the calling document but instead displays the
> > > index_html's title... Is this the normal behavior? I know
> > yesterday it
> > > was working... I tried refreshing the page but it's a no
> > go. It simply
> > > refuses to put the correct title. It doesn't even put the header's
> > > file title... (something I guessed it would do the first
> > time I tried
> > > it)
> > >
> > > Any opinion on that?
> > >
> > > ---<PASTE>---
> > >   <tr>
> > >     <td align="right"><H2><dtml-var title></H2></td>
> > >   </tr>
> > > ---</PASTE>---
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