The Dr. Watson log won't help us at this stage.  Can you turn on debug
logging by inserting the following to the beginning of your Zope's start.bat

set STUPID_FILE_LOG=var\debug.log

Then report back what comes up in the var\debug.log file when you click on
the link that crashes Zope, if anything.

Python is dying?  That's a little rude even given your frustration, dontcha

----- Original Message -----
From: "michael angelo ruberto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 5:16 PM
Subject: [Zope] version 2.2.4 just blew up!

> hi,
> i just performed the upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 and it blew up after
> running for a few minutes. it happened as i clicked the link to Debug
> Information from the control panel. Zope does start up again and the same
> thing occurs each time i click this link. i can send you the Dr. Watson
> error log if you think it will help you but i prefer not to send it to a
> public list. please send me a personal email address for this. i can also
> send a screen shot of the error message.
> Python is dying.
> -<mike>-
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