
When Zope starts up, I see it starts the following:

ZServer Medusa (V1.16.4.3)
ZServer FTP server
ZServer PCGI Server
ZServer Monitor Server (V1.8.4.1)

Which of those handles WebDAV requests?
How do I turn any of the above 'off' permentantly, without hacking z2.py
or anything similar (which is nasty ;-)

Well, the FTP Server is buggy enough that it needs to be disabled on
Production sites.
There's no need to run PCGI if you're using Apache ProxyPass, and
likewise, no need for medusa if you're PCGI'ing, correct?
And as for the monitor, well, I've never used it, and I know it's very
powerful, so I'd prefer it if it wasn't around on Production sites...



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