Okay, one more to raise my chances ;-) (I really want this book!)

   First create a new Folder named exhibitTemplate in your
         Product. This will serve as a template for exhibits. Also in
         the Product folder create a DTML Method named addForm, and
         restricted Python Method named add. These methods will
         create new exhibit instances. Now go back to your Factory
         and change it so that the Add list name is Zoo Exhibit and
         the method is addForm.

The next paragraph also refers to an "add method" (should
probably be an "add script").

Then later, in section "Creating Methods on your ZClass":

   You can create any kind of Zope object on the Methods view,
         but generally only Method-like objects (DTML, Python, and
         Perl Method, for example) are added.

Later on this section there are some mentions of "this method"
refering to a Python Script, but this is dubious since in this
case the Script is really a "method" of the ZClass in the
literal OOP meaning.

Later in "Using Python Base Classes":

   ... A Python base class is pretty much the same thing as a
         collection of unrestricted Python methods.

And the last paragraph of the chapter also refers to
"restricted Python Methods".

I could hunt out all of them, but I'll leave some books for the
rest of the world ;-)

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