> From: "Lee Reilly CS1997" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have seen the mySQL DA on Zope.org but I understand that it "does not
> support win32 platforms at this time". I need database access ASAP so
> can anyone offer any advice?

There is a HOW-TO for this:  How-To: ZMySQLDA on Win32

Search for it on www.zope.org. I run Zope and mySQL (3.23.28-gamma) on
Win95. Advice; download the files as specified in the how-to. I tried to use
the .dll file that we're installed with mySQL  - crashed Python/Zope. Also,
remember to store Python files in correct Python directory if you have
installed more than one version / installation of Python.

Best regards
Petter Enholm

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