I just downloaded and installed Zope 2.3a2, after setting
up a new database connection ( ZMySQLD ), I went to to
test it and lo-and-behold! No customDefaultReport.dtml for
which to display the results!

Anyhow, I just grabbed it off the 2.3.0a1 tree and put it 
in it's rightful place ( lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/ ), and 
things work fine.

Anyhow, just a heads-up... 

What is the "proper" channel for directing such bug reports?

By the way -- kick-ass bit of work guys.  I'm really 
impressed with the rapid development of Zope, as well as 
it's feverishly dedicated community. And the new management
interface ain't half bad either!



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