I want to read an zclass instances' properties.  I want to make some dtml
that can be passed the instances' id then give me the properties that I

I was trying <dtml-with>  and it worked when I plugged the id striaght into
it, but when I tried substituting that with a dynamic varible I couldn't get
it to work.

I have been trying some other approaches that maybe someone could tell me if
I am on the right track or if there is some cumentaion that could help me
out.  I have been going through the list archives for hours!

here is a my latest failed attempt!

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('userid', 979226100)">
<dtml-var "_[userid]._getAttribute(hairpart)">

I know that I could use the Catalog, but it seems crazy to have to track
everyvariable property of an object that I want to access.

I am sure that this is a basic problem and would love some help with it.

josh on

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