Daniel wrote:
> You don't need the dtml-var inside another dtml-var i.e once you are in
> dtml you are in it. try something like this
> <dtml-with files>
> >    <dtml-var "_.get_size(_['path[11:]'])">
> > </dtml-with>

Your advice was truly enlightning ! It didn't work exactly like this,
but this one did exactly as shown (remeber path is like

<dtml-with files>
  <dtml-with "_[path[:10]]"> <--- this gets me into the "06-01-2001" dir
    <dtml-with "_[path[11:]]"> <--- this gives me the variable space for
      <dtml-var size>

I'll write a HOW-TO for this in my page, I think it's worth it. Thanks
for your help all of your guys !


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