On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am running Zope from the CVS (from January 14th), MySQL 3.22.23 and
> ZMySQLDA v2.0.1.

Are you really running MySQL 3.22.23? This is a rather old version.
> The install appears to be successfull, the Products appear in the Control
> Panel, I can add, and open a database connection.
> However, when I issue the following query:
> I receive the following set:
> Tables in la_eksempel
> --------------------
> a
> (la_eksempel the name of the database, naturally)
> There is no table named 'a', however there is a table named "artikkel". If
> I try to browse the database, I get a tree with 5 first-level nodes, all
> named with the first letter of a table in my database.

That's very odd, because it works for me.

> If I try "SELECT * FROM ARTIKKEL;", I get 
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: len() of unsized object

I don't know if this is the problem, but ZMySQLDA-2.0.1 requires
MySQLdb-0.3.0 (aka MySQL-python). These should both work with
MySQL-3.22.23, though I would recommend an upgrade to at least 3.22.32 (or

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