>Hi there !! I have zope and apache listeners in one machine !!
>Is there any way to have only apache receiving requests for zope
>and apache, without having two listeners ???
>I'm thinking of some module that provide zope funcionalaty to apache !
>Without having ProxyPass and RewriteRule directives !!!
>Is this not possible ? If you have some ideas, just shoot them :)
I think what you're asking for is a way of having just Apache
listening on port 80 of your server, and then Apache passing on
requests to Zope - and you want to do this without using ProxyPass.
There are various CGI-derived ways of doing this, but to be honest
the ProxyPass setup works very well indeed and doesn't seem to incur
any massive performance hit. So unless you have a really good reason
for not using ProxyPass, I would just move your Zope onto a port
other than 80 and use ProxyPass.
--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Information Paradigms Work Phone: +44 1344 753703
http://www.nipltd.com/ Work Fax: +44 1344 753742
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