but where can I get Popy and how to install it.
kindly give the links.

....  -----Original Message-----
....  From: Jerome Alet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
....  Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 6:22 PM
....  To: K H Subrahmanyan
....  Subject: Re: [zope] : Postgre installation problem
....  On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, K H Subrahmanyan wrote:
....  > I have installed postgre SQL in my linux server.
....  > I have installed ZpopyDA to my zope installation.
....  > 
....  > but when  I run the server I get the following error.
....  > 
....  > ZPoPyDA Import Traceback
....  >     raise "The PoPy module is not installed"
....  > The PoPy module is not installed
....  This is very clear.
....  You don't have installed the PoPy module
....  PoPy is needed by ZPoPyDA
....  PoPy is the layer between PostgreSQL and ZPoPyDA:
....  PostgreSQL <--> PoPy <--> ZPoPyDA <--> Zope
....  hoping this will help
....  bye,
....  Jerome Alet

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