I am trying to get some frames to work where you can load a url and 
have a frame around it.

I created a folder called test. I tried loading http://ipaddress/test and 
I get a recursion of frames and have to stop it loading.
Here's the contents of the test folder.  I'm very new to Zope and 
HTML so I'm probably missing something which should be obvious 
but I've been trying this for quite a while and can't figure it out. Can 
someone help me get this working?

I want this to be set up so that I can open a URL and have the frame 
automatically loaded around it.  Depending on the URL, a different 
frame will be loaded.  It seems this is something Zope should be 
ideal for.

Inside test are 3 DTML methods and 2 DTML documents:

DTML Methods:

id: standard_html_header
title: Standard Html Header
<html><head><title>Frames in Rows</title></head>
<frameset rows="65,*">
<frame name="A" src="<dtml-var top>">
<frame name="B" src="<dtml-var main>">

id: standard_html_footer
title: Standard Html Footer

id: index_html 
title: index
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

DTML Documents:

id: main
title: Main Frame Contents
<html><head><title>Main Frame Contents 1</title></head>
<h1>Main Frame Contents 1</H1>

id: top
title: top_frame
<html><head><title>Top page of Frame</title></head>
<h1> This goes in the top frame</H1>


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