+-------[ Jim Fulton ]----------------------
| Well said.
| I mostly agree, however, there needs to be a balance.  We are
| introducing a process for orderly deprecation of features. I hope
| it works.  It's mainly useful for changes that are straightforward
| to recover from.  We have to balance lots of different factors
| taking into account *everybodies* interests, the best we can
| *together*.

Indeed. You would probably reach more people via the zope.org website, 
than via the mailing list. That would give you a bigger value of "everybody". 

Perhaps a questionnaire or survey arrangement, so you can find out how people
are using Zope. You could release it quarterly or six-monthly or something so 
you can see how things are trending over time.

This would allow you to gauge the size of subsets of the community and to
predict the likely fallout of removing something d8) You could also get better
understanding of other data, e.g. what platforms zope is running on in what
numbers, as opposed to just the raw download statistics.

At the very least you could find out their interests d8)

Perhaps it's something one of the non-ZC sites would want to host?

Andrew Milton
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

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