Thanks to both Barry and Madhavi for the solution.  Works great guys!


----- Original Message -----
From: Barry Pederson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2005 4:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Zope] TAL/SQL Problem

> Phil Beardmore wrote:
> > Hi, hope you can help.
> > 
> > We are currently linking a webpage to an SQL database and are 
> pulling in
> > information via the tal:replace function.  This is working extremely
> > well however one of our SQL fields is comma deliminated, and we 
> want it
> > to appear as a list.  We have accomplished this by using the 
> following> code:
> > 
> > <h1>Interests</h1>
> > 
> > <tal:x define="test2 result/interests"
> >       repeat="id python:interests.split(',')">
> >  <p>>     tal:attributes="href string:detail_html?id=$id"
> >     tal:content="result/interests"
> >>Interests goes here</p>
> > </tal:x>
> > 
> > This works well, and each item of text is displayed as a list 
> item. 
> > Only problem we have, is we want to be able to display the SQL 
> text as
> > the link name, but instead each link has the same link text which 
> is the
> > whole of the SQL string.
> > 
> > E.g.  The text in the interests field is:  Swimming,Badminton,Ice 
> Hockey> <detail_html?id=Swimming>
> > 
> > The code seperates the text via the comma, and displays a list 
> item for
> > each activity.  Only problem is, the link text for each activity 
> is the
> > same (Swimming,Badminton,Ice Hockey <detail_html?id=Swimming>).  
> Anyone> got any ideas?
> > 
> > Hope you can understand what I am after.  An example page is at:
> > 
> > 

> > 
> > Thanks
> > Phil
> In the <a> tag, instead of
>     tal:content="result/interests"
> shouldn't it be
>     tal:content="id"
> -------
>       Barry
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