--On Dienstag, 12. April 2005 15:02 Uhr +0200 Milos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Why is it out-dated? Most things are still valid. If not, point them
 > to be
 > corrected or even better: help producing a never version of the ZDG.

Hello Andreas,

This kind of response is so common that it deserves a shortcut of its
own. Such as RTFM. You essentially told me to f*k off. But I did not
attack ZDG.

I never said that - neither directly nor between the lines.

ZDG has some outdated parts. You admit that.

I haven't had the ZDG in my hands lately. But from that what I have in memory
most things are still true because the basic haven't changed. If yes, point
them out instead of make such comments.

By following it, I will
create incorrect code or use obsolete constructs. At least that is what
reader comments say in ZDG. Well, I do not want to create obsolete

It is your good right to expect documentation but documentation has to be written
and maintained. Means: someone has to volunteer and take over *some* responsibilities.
Complaining about missing, out-dated docs or whatever is one side of the medal, helping
to improve thing is the other side *wink*

And don't be pissed off when I try to point out that "the community" also has to take over
some tasks instead of only having expectations.


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