On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 19:08, Richard Jones wrote:
> Is there a viable non-versioned alternative to the filestorage approach? My 
> sessions database grows ridiculously quickly. I'm also fairly sure it's 
> causing problems when my site gets ~5 requests a second (yes, that low)

You could use temporarystorage on the ZEO server if you don't really
need your session data to be persistent across ZEO server restarts. 
This is what Fernando appeared to do in the end.

There are no well-maintained nonundoing storages that I know of other
than temporarystorage.  Once upon a time, BerkeleyStorage minimal used
to work, but its gone the way of the dinosaurs apparently.

I think any sessioning setup that uses a ZEO-backed storage will be more
conflict-prone than one that doesn't use ZEO, just because the
transaction commit time is typically longer.  I'm not sure if this is
the problem you mention.

> Maybe one of these days I'll have time to look into SQLSession, but I'm not 
> sure how well it will be able to replace the core session handling (and it 
> does need to seamlessly replace it). I wonder how hard it'd be to write a new 
> Session Data Manager using an RDBMS as the backend, or even just a filesystem 
> approach that didn't use versioning. *shrug*. Mmm. Transactions.

Probably not hard.  You could write a "session data manager"
implementation that used a relational database.  The interface for those
things is in Products/Sessions/SessionInterfaces.py

- C

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