On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 04:38:06PM +0200, Milos Prudek wrote:
> >Ta. I'll check it out, although I suspect a ZClass may be more what I
> >want... need to do some more reading up.
> >
> Don't use ZClasses. They have been deprecated for more than a year and 
> they are poorly supported.

Poorly supported, yes; officially deprecated, no.
See the recent thread on this list, "Does anyone care whether we
deprecate ZClasses?"   In which Jim Fulton said, among other things:

"...I'm not advocating that [removing ZClasses from zope 2.10].
I was asking if anyone cared. I strongly suspected that there 
would be people who did care. ...  Many active Zope developers are 
(understandbly) dismissive of ZClasses, but I think we can't ignore 
the many people who depend on them."

My interpretation: they aren't going away, but think twice before
you get heavily invested in them now.


Paul Winkler
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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