On Tuesday 03 May 2005 16:09, J Cameron Cooper wrote:

> So you have it in DTML and want to re-write in Python but you don't want
> to do it in Python?

No.  I have it in DTML and want to re-write it in Python without involving 
External Methods or other hackery.  

> Then why change it? It works, right?

For certain values of "works", sure.  The problem I'm trying to solve is 
that the body of the email needs to become more complex than I'm willing to 
handle with DTML.  The natural next step for me was to look into rewriting 
the whole mail-sending object in Python, but I didn't expect that I'd have 
to reimplement the functionality of DTML to do it.

Please don't misunderstand me.  I'm not complaining, and if that's what I've 
got to do then so be it.  I'm just a little surprised - that's all.
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies
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