Dne čtvrtek, 26. května 2005 22:03 Greg Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am just curious, why is DTML not good?  It does 9 out of 10 things I
> want quite easily.  From my perspective, I really dont want to learn
> new ways of doing things if this works.  I also have no desire to do
> templating.  I can see the need for it in a large development shop,but
> for me, a 1 guy operation, I have no desire to complicate things.
> DTML works so easy for me.
> I do use Python scripts here and there for small and odd things that
> would be difficult or impossible to do in DTML, but like I said,
> that's maybe only 10% max of the functionality that I need to provide.
> (probably 5-6%) Having to move everything in Python is a hassle that I
> dont plan on doing for a few years.  I'll just keep using Zope 2.
> I'd also be curious to know from all you other developers, what
> percentage of tasks that you need to perform or functionality you need
> to provide can be provided simply with DTML?  Like for me, I can do
> quickly and easily do 90% of what I need in DTML.
> Is DTML really that much harder to use?
> I understand the whole idea of separating the logic and the
> presentation, and I guess, is that part of the reason why DTML is not
> as good?  But, for me, that separation is more complicated.  DTML is
> easier for me.  (partly because I know it)
> I dont know, DTML and the "everythings an object" concept in Zope are
> the very things that make Zope so attractive for a small time operator
> like me.  I hate to see them deprecated just because it doesnt work
> for the larger companies out there.  Of course, I may be totally
> ignorant about all this, huh?

I absolutelly agree with you, it is like my words.

But separation of logic and presentation could be done successfully in DTML
too. ZPT, which have "separation argument" is not as easy to make totally
separated design as marketing says, for example see Plone - try to customize
plone site to absolutelly different custom design - it is near impossible.


                        Jaroslav Lukesh
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