On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 05:39:23PM -0500, J Cameron Cooper wrote:

> >>I'm assuming the above line comes from a page template.
> >>You neglected to mention what the calling DTML looks like,
> >>but I *guess* that it was something like this:
> >><dtml-var "some_template(parm='ABC')">
> >>yes? no?
> > 
> > 
> > This is what I have:-
> > 
> > <dtml-var expr="testlist(parm='myobjectname')">
> > 
> > I wish to get 'myobjectname' into this line in 'testlist' which is marked
> > with *********
> > 
> > python:here.parse_file(file=context.******,sepr=',',clone=1)"> 
> > 
> > There must be a simple way of doing this, but I haven't come across an 
> > example of it and I've spent most of the day on it.
> Taking the options from my previous email and putting them together, you 
> can say::
>     python:here.parse_file(file=getattr(context,options.parm),...)
> to get the attribute on the current context named 'myobjectname' or 
> whatever else you provide as the 'parm' parameter on 'testlist'.

Many thanks. I appreciate the help. I think I've incorporated your 
suggestion into the code below...

       <tal:block repeat="opt opts">
          <li><a     tal:content="python:opt[1]"
               tal:attributes="href python:opt[0]"></a></li>

Unfortunately, when I try to use this expression

<dtml-var expr="testlist(parm='links')">

I get this Zope error:-

Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: 'dict' object has no attribute 'parm'

Can't help thinking it is a simple syntax error - missing bracker, quote 
etc... but just can't figure it out.

>               --jcc
> -- 
> "Building Websites with Plone"
> http://plonebook.packtpub.com/
> Enfold Systems, LLC
> http://www.enfoldsystems.com


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