Hello. I am having a problem with Zope External Editor 0.8 - the 
helper app running on W2K.  This problem occurred on upgrade from the 
previous version.

When I lauch the external editor, by clicking the pencil, MS Word 
lauches (and if I save, badly mangles the HTML.

In ZopeEdit.ini my editor setting has not changed:

# Uncomment and specify an editor value to override the editor
# specified by the operating system
editor = C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe

I used to be able to change this path to Dreamweaver as well, but 
when I do that, only MS Word launches.

What could account for this? Is there a solution to get Zope External 
Editor working as it did prior to the upgrade?

Harlow Pinson
Indepth Learning
Web: http://www.indepthl.com
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