Hi All,

I'm having a rather strange problem.

I'm trying to get the Issue Dealer
(http://www.nidelven-it.no/products/issue_dealer) product up-and-running
on my Zope install (FreeBSD 4.11, Zope 2.7.1, Python 2.3.4). According
to the Issue Dealer docs, I should simply be able to unzip it into the
Products directory, restart Zope, and go, just like normal.

I've done this, however, and nothing happens. Issue Dealer doesn't show
up in /Control_Panel/Products, or the [Add] dropdown. No broken
products, no nothing.

Nothing looks at all unusual in the Products directory on the file

I've tried rebooting the machine and restarting from the ZMI, to no

Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas?

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