Hi *, I've searched a lot but actually didn't find anything useful to solve my problem, and probably I haven't really understood how Zope works ... :)
I'm developing a filesystem product and I need to display a zpt form where I display some results from a query.
I'm able to query the DB, and I'm able to display an empty zpt form, qhat I don't understand is how to stick the two things together.
This is what I have:
class InstitutionalReport (Item, Implicit, Persistent, RoleManager, Folder):
  """ Base class for InstitutionalReport. """
  meta_type = "Institutional Report"
  manage_options = (
    {'label' : 'View', 'action' : 'index_html' },
  def __init__ (self, id, conn_id):
    """ initializer """
    self.id = id
    self.conn_id = conn_id
    self.sqlGetReferenceDate = SQL ('slGetReferenceDate', '', conn_id, '', _sqlGetReferenceDate)
    #Folder.manage_addPageTemplate (self, 'index_html', file = self.def_index_html, REQUEST = None)
  index_html = PageTemplateFile ("zpt/index_html.pt", globals ())
I want to cycle through the query result with ZPT and populate a select.

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