Hi Ashley,

Ashley Lloyd wrote:
> The LDAP error, as it turns out, was from "zkinterbasdb" or something like
> that - something I probably picked up thinking it was kinterbase.

Aha - thought it was unlikely to be from the DA!

> Forgive my ignorance, but what was your procedure for installing kinterbase?
> I've tried just installing kinterbasDA, which required kinterbasdb. So I've
> tried installing kinterbasdb (from an executable, rather than the more
> familiar simple compressed file), but I keep getting an ImportError: DLL
> load failed when looking at the product in Control_Panel/Products.
> The error refers to a line "import _kinterbasdb as _k". I've assumed that
> its referring to import _kinterbasdb.pyd, rather than a dll, as thats all
> that I can find. I've tried copying it into several places, but I'm assuming
> that its compiled by the exe at install time, and is specific to the folder
> its placed in. Or I could be completely wrong!

You want a .pyd, not a .dll - that bit's fine.

I may have started from a different point from you - I have a Plone
install with multiple Zope and Plone sites in it, and Plone does a
couple of things differently. In a Plone install on Windows, the Plone's
Python is set as the system's Python. This means that when you run the
binary installer for kinterbasdb it installs in the right copy of
Python. I wonder if you have Python installed elsewhere, and the binary
installer is finding the wrong one?

The other thing is the mxExtensions - do you have these installed?

> Any hints as to your procedure would be appreciated, as this is getting
> frustrating (probably meaning I'm missing stupid things).

I didn't do anything beyond what the docs for the three packages (mx
Extensions, Python db i/f, Zope DA) stated - but there is always the joy
of working out what those instructions /really/ mean, as in "now I've
done it, I understand it! I do remember some frustration, but I think it
was just the system Python thing.

If the above doesn't help, the traceback from your error should be our
starting point - stick with it, because since installing it I haven't
even needed to think about this DA except when I've upgraded it, it just
works (for me - YMMV and all that)!




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