Hi Dieter. It is rather strange for sure. The warning has appeared over the past couple of days. First day I removed what I thought might be a bad CMFBTree folder since it was last thing I remember working with from previous night to do with BTrees. Then it appeared again - first restart of the day - it never appeared again that day even after a number of restarts. Received the error again this morning - first restart of day. This time cleared the Data.fs.index and restarted. Again it did not appear again all day after a number of restarts. It almost makes me wonder if it is somehow related to automated backup since it appears consistently on the first restart of the day. Can this make any sense? Like the index is getting corrupted from backup.

The only other thing that I can think of at the moment is that I had some nested CMFBTreeFolders that were not registered properly registered in the types tool yet inside a CMFSite instance. These were added programmatically with manage_add. I don't know if this could result in this error. In any case, I am resolving the types tool registration issue tonight and will see what happens tomorrow am.

I am restarting this zope several times a day since I am developing on it. I have been adding and removing many BTree folders since I am in process of building a product that will use these quite a bit. I have been running tests then removing CMFBTreeFolders, updating product, restarting, rerunning with changes, etc

In any case I will examine fsBtree as you have suggested if I see warning again tomorrow in my log. This is a relatively new CMF1.5.2 and Zope2.8.0 instance and the only server I have this combination on at the moment.


On Wednesday, August 10, 2005, at 06:37 PM, Dieter Maurer wrote:

David Pratt wrote at 2005-8-8 11:11 -0300:
I just began receiving this error this morning in one of my event logs
on start up. It looks serious.

2005-08-08T08:49:26 WARNING ZODB.FileStorage Failed to load database
index: exceptions.AttributeError: type object 'BTrees._fsBTree.fsBTree'
has no attribute '__basicnew__'

Can someone advise a course of action and what may have happened to
generate such an error. I use CMFBTreeFolders extensively in CMF. Many


        "BTrees._fsBTree.fsBTree" should have a '__basicnew__'
        attribute (like all 'ExtensionClass'es).

Try to import "fsBTree" in an interactive Python interpreter
and check it.


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