<comment mode="off-topic">
Wow, I had forgotten how incredibly ugly DTML can be. That just looks wrong, like you stumbled on your keyboard. Maybe I should go hang out on the perl lists and build up some tolerance for "interesting" syntax. :^)

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 01:08:52 +0200, Peter Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


<dtml-let orig_title="'Hannoverian Stallions Lauries Crusador ' ">
<dtml-with links>
<dtml-var "catagory_results(_, _.None, title1=orig_title)">

Use dtml-let and notice the extra _ in the parameters. I doubt that
DTML methods accept plain arguments except self, REQUEST and RESPONSE.
All other things must be passed with keyword arguments.

On 8/30/05, Sean Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried using orig_title in the format <dtml-var orig_title> in the called
dtml-method (category_results) and I get a zope error which I don't
Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: sequence index must be integer

When I call it in the orignal page which I want the title for it works fine.

John Eikenberry jae-zope at kavi.com
Mon Aug 29 16:05:37 EDT 2005

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 Sean Kelley wrote:

> I am trying to pass the title of a page to a dtml method which is in
> folder named links. If I pass the actual title like below everything
> However, when I try to pass the value of the current title to
> category_results using various other methods it does not.
> What is the syntax so that I can pass the current value of <dtml-var
> to the method? Would the dtml-with block change the namespace it pulls the > title variable from to the context of the method category_results in the
> links folder?


Here's a quick hack that will work.

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('orig_title',this().title)">
<dtml-with links>
<dtml-var "catagory_results(_.None,REQUEST.get('orig_title'))">

> <dtml-with links>
> <dtml-comment>This line works</dtml-comment>
> <dtml-var "category_results(_.None, _, title1='Hannoverian Stallions
> Crusador ')">
> </dtml-with>

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