
I am more than happy to take contributions from others.  Using other libs or maybe even just some Zope techniques in general is great.  Right now, I just loaded that stuff up over the last few days, so it's quite limited.  But, if you have anything you would like to share, please zip it up and email it over to me.  Just put together all the html for the body, I'll post it for ya, with credit to you of course.

I am sure that if I get a bunch of other how-tos to post, I will probably have to grow things a bit, but it will evolve over time.  All of this stuff is a learning process for me, so I wanted to put up that site to share my experiences in hopes that others could benefit.

Zope 3, I would love to put stuff up for that, but I havent even touched Zope 3 yet.  I am more than happy to put of info on that as well. 



On 10/11/05, Jim Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greg Fischer wrote:

> Ah even better!  Thanks guys.
> I was going to reply just to mention I have a "not as cool" way of
> using Zope with Ajax at my site now too.
> www.zajax.net <http://www.zajax.net/>
> Seems every rock I turn over, I find 3 others worth investigating.
> Lots of cool stuff going on out there.  I put up my own demo, but it's
> not nearly the prefered way of doing things by most people.  I myself,
> prefer DTML over ZPT, so my demo is based on that.  I also am using
> one of the larger client frameworks available, Dojo Toolkit.  The js
> file is around 130k if I remember.  The smaller ones are great and do
> the job, but I wanted something larger and more widely used like Dojo
> to build off of.
> I know eventually I'll look at the JSON stuff too.  Sound interesting.

Hi, Greg

Cool!  I like the way you do the how-to.  Do you plan similar how-tos
for other JS libraries/techniques?  Would you accept contributions? I
find myself looking at mochikit ( http://mochikit.com) occasionally.  In
its ajax-tables demo, it uses a tal(esque) syntax for dom manipulation
in client _javascript_, which could be interesting for fans of page templates.

For the future, dare I ask, maybe some zope3 stuff?

I think the zope community really needs zope-oriented how-tos and
evaluations of the various AJAX libraries.  zajax.net has the right name
to be a prime focus of such activities, should you be willing to do that.


-Jim Washington

Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions
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