Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 26 Oct 2005, at 21:43, HaraldFinnås wrote:

I've also seen comments that running Zope on RHEL/CentOS might not be wise. My test env. is using FC4, but I'm planning to install CenOS 4.2 on the production server. Unwise choice?

I'd be curious to find out who says something like that. It's BS. Zope runs perfectly fine on all RHEL-based distributions.

The only issues you might ever run into would be problems with the Python that comes with the OS. But then again if you run Zope in production you should never ever use the system Python and build your own instead. The system Python tends to be compiled with weird flags on RH-based distros to suit their own needs for the many Python-based scripts they have in the OS. Don't use it, build your own.

well, on larger shops like ours, the sysadms always want to know why we introduce Yet Another Non-Standard Component to the system setup that cannot be RPM'ed like the rest. And I am not talking across pythoin versions, but oin the same release series (ie. 2.3, etc)

I know it is more convenient to self.compile() the python, but it is always hard to argue with the sysadms on this issue. Our current solution is to provide a precomipiled rpm with the pythons we want to use.

Why is that the standard os-distributed pythons do not work with zope? They seem to work with other python sw...

/dario - being curious...

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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