On 27 Oct 2005, at 10:22, Sascha Ottolski wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2005 09:37 schrieb Jens Vagelpohl:

The only issues you might ever run into would be problems with the
Python that comes with the OS. But then again if you run Zope in
production you should never ever use the system Python and build your
own instead. The system Python tends to be compiled with weird flags
on RH-based distros to suit their own needs for the many Python-based
scripts they have in the OS. Don't use it, build your own.

I'd be very curious to hear about what real life problems people have
observed. The advice is mention so often here, without any proof (at least thats my impression). Does it run slow? Does product xy behave strange? Does
it crash?

We have some well loaded (2.8.x ZEO setup) servers up and running, using the standard python install that comes with fedora 3 (or their official updates), and that seems not to have any obvious disadvantages (beside the fact, that
they still offer 2.3.4 only).

You just noted one more disadvantage yourself: The system Python is likely to be out of step with what Zope wants. Furthermore, updates to the system Python or to add-on packages might have unintended consequences for your Zope setup.


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