On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 11:26:10AM -0600, J Cameron Cooper wrote:
> Asad Habib wrote:
> >Hi Cameron. You are right but the self parameter is implicitly passed.
> It is implicitly passed, but must be explicitly defined::
>  def createHtmlToPdf(self, in_htmlFile, in_domain, in_pdfFile):
>     return html2pdf(in_htmlFile, in_domain, in_pdfFile)
> When you say::
>    context.createHtmlToPdf(in_htmlFile, in_domain, in_pdfFile)
> Python ends up calling this method/function something like::
>    createHtmlToPdf(context, in_htmlFile, in_domain, in_pdfFile)
> Your message signature must agree.

No, it's optional.  If you don't inlude "self" in the signature,
it's not passed.  You can see this in the source of ExternalMethod.py:

                if ((self._v_func_code.co_argcount-
                     len(self._v_func_defaults or ()) - 1 == len(args))
                    and self._v_func_code.co_varnames[0]=='self'):
                    return f(self.aq_parent.this(), *args, **kw)

I think the problem lies elsewhere. Traceback?


Paul Winkler
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