Michael Haubenwallner wrote:

Nicolas Georgakopoulos wrote:

Here are my ideas to make Zope 3 the most successful framework ever:

Make them love Zope at the very first look:

* Make installing Zope a double-click or one-command-only experience and
   * offer a 30 minutes tutorial of programming an useful application
including an audiovisual show for an appetizer that offers a feeling
     of success.

Enable the beginners:

   * Easy to read and understand ‹ but still complete and current ‹
     documentation is a must.
* Avoid cluttering everything about Zope across articles, blogs, chats, mailing lists and wikis. Keep everything available and searchable at
     one central location.

I think "Make them love Zope at the very first look" and "Enable the Beginner" is on the same issue , I consider my self a beginner and trying to learn Zope I found many resources on google but a little bit of "chaos" , a better united source from the central Zope (Zope.org) it is required. I is a shame to know that there is a big help and a big community but not so well united and organized. Zope Book 2.7 it is in the same stage it was before 3,5 months ago when I started to reading it with some example only in DTML when Zope encourage leaving DTML for ZPT. The how-to section (http://www.zope.org/Documentation/How-To/index_html?&sort_on=modified&sort_order=reverse) have *_only_* 3 post's for the year *2005 *!!! A Zope editor is a must or to find another way more flexible ! external editor product it is steel a way but a ugly way in my opinion (no offense for the product) , to add numbers on every line when coding it will be a big step.

I don't want to blame the official Zope team , the are running with hard work for sure. It is just that Zope can do so much thing's compare to other products out there but important details have been left unaccomplished...

I hope the point of this mail is to make Zope better and not to be considered as an accusation or an attack...

Zope need and can become better :)

zope.org HowTos are something between 1000 and 3000 documents. Everyone wanting to help to review and consolidate that information is welcome to send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to the zope-web mailing list (zope-web@zope.org).


I think you are wrong , on Zope site it say's -> Zope How-Tos 1- 20 of 300

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