J Cameron Cooper wrote:
> ... I think it's quite acceptable to put the burden of use on the
> programmer instead of the compiler, considering the benefits; that's
> what he's thinking about anyway, no?


> Zope 3, though I admit I've only played with it glancingly, seems to be
> more J2EE-like in certain respects: there seem to be a lot of things I
> have to touch to get things going. To a certain point, I can deal with
> this, but if there's ever a "ZDoclet"...

Lol, I remember so many times haveint to install XDoclet in order to
develop my EJB's in any sane amount of time.

But I understand and agree with your point here.  EJB development
required so much boilerplate code that it slowed the developer down big
time.  It took tools like XDoclet to come along and make the boilerplate
code somewhat manageable before developing with EJB's was very
productive IMHO.  I recently talked about this at:

For the record (and as my blog entry mentions), Skeletor seems to strive
to be XDoclet for Zope2.

- Rocky

Rocky Burt
ServerZen Software -- http://www.serverzen.com
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