A while ago I changed the directory of my zope instance. I also changed the zope directory (started with zope 2.8.1, now running 2.8.4). Today I noticed that the CMFQuickInstaller failed to get the version and the readme of various products. It happens that CMFQuickInstaller uses Control_Panel.Products.getObj(id).home to determine the product's directory and then reads the version.txt file from there. However many products had the old directory name stored in home (like /usr/local/zope-2.8.1-final instead of /usr/local/zope-2.8.4-final, or the directory I used before changing the name). Everything has been working fine (apart for the breakage of CMFQuickInstaller) but I wonder if this is the intended behavior and if there is better way to update the information in Control_Panel (touching __init__.py in the offending products and restarting zope didn't help, I had to remove the products from the Control_Panel and restart zope).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A. http://www.wetron.es/
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