I have been using Zope 2.7.5 (with python 2.3.5) for a long time on a Red Hat 9 server. I migrated to a new machine 2 weeks ago that has FC4 where I installed Zope 2.8.5 (and python 2.3.5 for its use). The old server started dveloping some internittent crashes that I think could be due to the Promise RAID controller card (looks like I migrated just in time...). The last time I used Zope on that old server was in mid December 2005 and all was fine. However, now when I try to export the wikis I use (ZWiki) to import into the new server, I have a big problem. The old installation will not let me even get to the main web page (the one from where you can access the ZMI). This is in Z2.log: - miguelk [20/Jan/2006:14:22:44 -0300] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 401 594 "" "Lynx/2.8.5dev.7 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7"

If I try with Firefox from a PC on the LAN I also get: - miguelk [20/Jan/2006:15:44:32 -0300] " GET / HTTP/1.1" 401 575 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050920 Firefox/1.0.7 SUSE/1.0.7-0.1"

In other words http://server-ip:8080  asks for authentication and there is no combination of user names and passwords that will let me pass. It never asked me for this authentication before. I tried to remake the inituser file but it did not help. If I install the very same Zope version (2.7.5) in another directory on the old server and start it I can reach the main page on the new installation fine without any
login..This is what I did (using the same zope.conf file on both 2.7.5

a) If I copy the files in instance/var from a fresh install into this
one I can reach the web page fine (no http authentication required). I
'm NOT talking about the ZMI, just the main page above it.. So the
problem is not the installation.
b) I have a backup of the instance/bvar files from April 2005. If I copy them over, I get asked for a login and I put in my usual login and get to the page (I do wonder why it asks for a login)
c) If I copy the instance/var files that I want to access to a fresh
installation on the same machine I get asked for a login and can not get a working combination, so this points to the instance/var files as the culprits

I have 2 questions:

a) Why does Zope insiist on authenticating access to the main page and is there a way to tell it to let me access the main page (the one that talks about Zope and lets you access "manage") without a login?
b) Does it make sense to keep trying or is Data.fs or some other file

Thanks a lot.


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